Sunday, December 20, 2009

Coming Home.

Coming home from school is a different sort of homecoming than I have experienced before. It was something I looked forward to. Not like coming home from Grandma's, or coming home from summer camp. Remember being at your friends house and dreading hearing the phone ring?

"Mommm..come home NOW?! But Barbie is about to marry Ken.."

Not this time. Coming home from exams and uniforms and dormitories is a ridiculously joyful experience. It's different than going home with your roommate or going to visit people. When I know I'm off to my mom's house packing is a relief, not a preparation, mostly because I know I can bring one big suitcase of dirty laundry and that I'll have a free toothbrush when I arrive.

Coming home is nice because you're not exactly a guest, you don't get special treatment. (Nobody puts on the food network for my benefit.) I'm pretty sure mom thinks she sent me to culinary school to learn to wash mass amounts of dishes.

When I stepped off the plane in Fairbanks, I also realized that I had forgotten what cold was, even though I had long since found myself missing the woodstove. Probably because I had brothers who kept it filled though =). My dorm attendent informed me installing a woodstove would force the schools insurance to such heights that all students would be eating two meals of sauerkraut daily, if that.

However, the nicest thing about being the first kid out of the house, is that you get your room back when you get home.


  1. It's great to have you home, Brenna. You've made some yummy goodies, but I haven't yet seen a demonstration of your dish washing ability.

  2. Hey! I've washed dishes a few times.
