Saturday, September 5, 2009

Seward Summary

Well, to start a blog I guess I should start somewhere...I'm mainly blogging because I recently moved nine hours from my hometown to go to school, and my parents are constantly wondering what I'm doing. (And neither of them Facebook). Must drive them crazy since I grew up in Tok (where they knew about 1,450 of the 1,500 residents) and they ALWAYS knew what I was doing.

But anyways, I moved to Seward to go to school for culinary arts, which is pretty much a fancy way to say I'm paying a lot of money so I can not burn down future kitchens. This was my first big move away from home. I moved out of my parents house last spring, but moving across the street was just a little different..I won't lie, at first I was terrified. But I've been here three weeks now as of tomorrow and there have been no major disasters. I generally call home to mom when I see one coming and it gets averted.

I'm living on campus in the dorms, have a roommate/cellmate and we get along pretty well. I'm a health nut, she's not, so we leave each others food alone; She likes pink, I don't, so we leave each others clothes alone && girls don't fight over much else so we're pretty chill.

In future blogs I'll describe different aspects of AVTEC and the town of Seward and my adventures here, just thought I should get a post up before I lose motivation. I'll also try to remember to post pictures occasionally. Yes mom, that's in writing. You may print it out and send it to me if you think I'm forgetting, along with the rest of my clothes please?

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading about what you're up to. and I'll try to repack your clothes in a more organized fashion than you left them. :-) But they won't get mail until next week when I get back. In the mean time, keep doing laundry. hehe
