Friday, September 11, 2009

Ford Escort vs. Moose..there are no winners...

If I didn't have an adventure last weekend, it was only because fate was busy taking a deep breath to throw something at me in the middle of the week. Little did I know that it would be a moose. Here is what I've learned:

1. Seatbelts are important, when you hit something solid they give you bruises, but you don't die.

2. Moose are not very bright, except in your headlights.

3. Windshields were not made to withstand collisions with moose rear ends.

4. I scream a lot louder than I thought.

I'm sure I learned a few other things, but now that I'm thinking about it I can't remember what they were. I'll hopefully have some pictures soon, depending on whether I really want to see the damage.

Go figure I'm the only person in my family to get a moose this season...

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! You hit a moose? Well if you weren't blogging I'd ask if you were alright! Well, you got a moose, did they let you keep it? Hope your doing better now. I think a cup of tea and some muffins is in order now.
