Sunday, February 7, 2010

Updated dorm Room.

So I guess the last dorm room you remember is the cruddy one you and Thomas moved me into, right mom? Well, sometime around Thanksgiving I upgraded, but today is really the first day it feels like more than just a space to put my stuff. Today, everything in my room has a place. And there is room for more than just the bare neccesities. There's just enough creativity put into this tiny place, that it feels just a bit like home. What a satisfying feeling.

The beginnings of the poorly instructionalized, overpriced, boringly colored shelf. White was chosen because it's the easiest color to paint over at a later date. Ha ha. Thankfully the hatchet you see pictured was not neccesary, but at this point I still wasn't sure whether the end result would be a bookcase or a bonfire.

About here the hope began to dawn. All the contents of my dorm floor were shoved against the wall and it was still a very tight squeeze. You may have doubted my intelligence after reading the toilet paper post, but this one should give you hope again. I did indeed put this entire beast together by myself. With minimal reference to the destructions.

Here you can see I did eventually have victory. Those bins that fit the spaces hold clothes excellently and I no longer have to shove them in my closet. My ceramics/dishes collection is visible in the upper right, with plenty of room to be expanded. Working three shifts a week is growing it rapidly. What's really nice is that now I have space to have more than the bare neccesities in my room, without making it look crowded. The two canisters on top are ceramic also, one holds my tea collection (which you are welcome to contribute to mom!) and the smaller one holds sweeteners, honey packets and juice drinks. All my textbooks are in the upper left and my coffee has its own shelf right below them. Ha ha.

It felt soooo good to have everything organized again. Dad, I've been holding out on your for pictures of my room for a long time, but it's finally clean today so I felt motivated to take pictures.

This is the view from the door. Slightly unmade bed, and coffee maker strategically within reach. =)

Here's the view from being backed up between the bathroom door and the coffee maker. I'm currently sitting were you see facebook opened here. Haha. The green pencil can you see to the left of my laptop is also a creation of the ceramics lab..Oh, and that's a snowflake stuck to the side of my desk.

Here's looking back at the door from the edge of my bed. I guess you kinda get the perspective now. My keys always hang from my door handle or I'm nearly guarenteed to walk out the self locking door without them. What a pain. Also, shoeboxes are my best friend. What's in my closet is only a small part of the collection. Of course, my walls are covered in stuff. Habits are hard to break, ha ha. Not too bad though huh mom? Much better than the old one...this is kinda a boring post but I've been bugged for these pictures for months. And I like sitting at a clean desk. And I ran out of things to do on Facebook.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Finally you've given me a picture to help me "see" where you are. Nice job building the shelf. I too love having space to put stuff away. Thank you for the photo journal.

  2. Haha. No problem on the much overdue visual mom...isn't this much better than my old room?
