Friday, October 16, 2009

You Know You're from Tok When..

1. Sam's Club/Costco is an all day shopping trip, and you have spent more than 6+ hours wandering around, trying out the furniture because every few hours your ma will need you to push a flat cart out the door, so you can't leave.

2. You go squirrel hunting out of boredom.

3. No matter how many identical, quarter shaped shiny blueish shells there are on a beach, it's still a treasure hunt.

4. Very very few things can successfully interrupt my runs..

Among them are earthquakes, lattes, terrorists attacks, broken legs...
And sea otters.


  1. Have you taken any pictures of sea otters? You should, and then post them ... I'd like to see them.

    Interruptions by sea otters are OK, but avoid the other four.

  2. How in Consternation do you avoid an earthquake?! What does Mrs. Cliver and Brenna know that we don't? As Abigail would say ",Neaky... Very Neaky."

  3. I would have to agree though. Even now, a trip into a large shopping center is an all-day experience... Unless dad is there, then it's MAYBE an hour.

  4. To avoid an earthquake, all you have to do is jump ... then you are not shook by the earth beneath you ... nothing 'neaky about that, just good common sense. :-) Surely you could have thought of that, Reuben.
