Sunday, October 18, 2009

Winter Already?

Bread, veggies and cream cheese: $8.49;
Coffee maker: $34.99;
Going to school for culinary arts and realizing the only skill i've perfected is how to make a toasted panini sandwich on the hot plate of my coffee maker that sits on the floor of my dorm room: $Priceless.

I really wish the snow would stop just threatening Seward from the mountaintops and fall already. As you can see I'm prepared.

Got up this morning, realized I was completely out of ground struck me that Zach would probably be peeved if i woke him up at 7am on a Sunday morning to get his coffee I ended up stumbling out of bed and a few blocks down the street for some coffee. It was a wee bit chilly.

Went to a new church this morning...discovered some random people I happened to know also go there. The electrician at AVTEC and the receptionist at the dentist office. Really miss mom's piano playing the most on Sunday mornings...didn't realize how great it is to hear the Sunday songs practiced all week beforehand, cause then by church I can usually keep up.


  1. So, whose snowboard are you really holding? Bet we get snow before you (maybe) :-)

    Coffee, ick. Why start the day with coffee, when you could have a cup of delicious tea? ;-)

    God's people are everywhere! Glad you got to meet some more of them.

  2. Nice board. I've tried snow-boarding at Hatcher's Pass. It ended with all the people at the bottom "ooh"ing and "ouch"ing, then asking me if I was alright. I try to do it at least once a year, just to try it out. But I'm definitely more of a skier. Wow, I don't think I would have the energy to drink coffee, or tea. Hot water is all I drink some mornings. Music, yes, I miss the sound of those more simplistic melodies.
