Monday, September 7, 2009

AK State Fair 09

I hadn't anticipated how nice it would be to live only an hour and a half..(er..depends how fast you drive, for mom's sake I'll say I live two hours away) from Anchorage. More specifically, from the fair. =) This is actually my adventure from last weekend, but I haven't had an adventure this weekend as of yet so a good memory is not a fault..

I drove -slowly and cautiously, of course- to Anchorage last Saturday morning. I got an early start because the bum thing about getting up at 6:45am all week is that you can never manage to sleep in past 8:00 on the weekends. I met up with Talia and Gabi Sonnenberg at their house, and we spent the day at the fair. Six hours, 15 miles of wandering, and wayyyyy too much kettle corn later...we were some very tired girls headed out of the purple gate.

We left the fairgrounds about 7:30 we finally found our car..and by 8:00 we had actually navigated our way through the masses and were headed home. We would have made better time rollerblading across the grass.


  1. Rollerblading across would have definitely been faster when we left the fair on Saturday Night when it closed. I tried to get out faster by taking the long way around. It didn't work. I got back the day after you left. I only went twice, but that was way more than enough.

  2. Way to lull your mother's fears...I'm sure she suspects NOTHING...Right. haha.
    A few of the students from ABC went to the fair. I was going to go but I went home instead.
    Reading your blog is going to be fun! In case no one has told you this lately, you are hilarious. And beautiful. But I'm sure you get that all the time... :)
    Love you!
