Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lobster face.

If you ever wondered what Sam felt like when he killed Shelob, go stab a lobster.
The effect is especially accurate if you're a natural dwarf.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


So pretty much, it's almost spring. I woke up, the sun was shining (and kept shining for another 30 minutes before the rain woke up), there were puddles everywhere, and the air smelled like fish. Yep. Spring. And I was like...what the heck. Because I have been waiting for winter for...apparently all winter.

Whatever. Time for spring shopping =)


Wow, I'm really bad at keeping this thing up.
I think I will sum up my life with photos and sub-5 word explanations.

Frozen yogurt and little sister.

Culinary arts: where we turn apples into birds.



Japanese day. Whooo.